Water Damage Restoration

Water Damage Restoration in Silver Spring, MD 20910

Flood Damage Pro recently wrapped up a big water damage restoration in Silver Spring over at Pratt Place, MD 20910. This wasn't your average spill - this was a full-blown basement flood.

The job kicked off on August 19, 2024, and we had everything back in tip-top shape by August 22, 2024. Alex, our go-to technician, led the charge and worked his magic. It all started when Jerry, the rental property owner, called us, sounding understandably stressed. His mother-in-law had given him the bad news - his basement was doing its best impression of a swimming pool.

The Call: Jerry's Basement

Jerry's call came through on a morning. He was understandably worried. His basement had been flooded for a few days, and he needed help fast. Our customer service rep, we was quick to reassure him. We told him not to worry and that we'd send someone right away to size up the damage. Jerry gave us all the details - Pratt Place in Silver Spring, MD 20910 - and we were on it. Fast. We even assured him we'd start the cleanup ASAP. You could practically hear the relief in his voice.


Address: Pratt Pl, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Project Started: Aug 19, 2024
Project End: Aug 22, 2024
Technician: Alex C.
Service area: Washington, DC
Project Category: Water Damage Restoration


Project Outline:

  • Water Damage Restoration - On-site assessment for the damage and required repairs.
  • Water Damage Restoration - Carpet and Padding Removal - All wet and infected materials removed.
  • Water Damage Restoration - Drywall and Baseboard Removal - Selective cuts made to remove all infected drywall and baseboards.
  • Water Damage Restoration - Drywall Ceiling Removal - All infected drywall removed around the air ducts.
  • Mold Remediation - Containment and Negative Pressure - Two containment setups to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Mold Cleaning - HVAC Cleaning - All ducts cleaned with HEPA negative pressure, fogged, and treated to eliminate spores in the system.
  • Mold Treatment - Antimicrobial Fogging - All areas of work are fogged with an antimicrobial solution to eliminate spores and prevent future growth.
  • Mold Treatment - Two HEPA air scrubbers placed in the basement for three days.
  • Mold Treatment - Two LGR dehumidifiers used for moisture control for three days.
  • Water Damage Restoration - Trash disposal.
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Surveying the Damage

When Alex arrived on the scene, it was clear things had gotten messy. The basement was a soggy mess - water everywhere, carpets ruined, and drywall starting to go south. It was a mold paradise in there, especially around the air ducts. Now, mold doesn't exactly send an invitation - it just shows up. Alex quickly laid out the game plan to Jerry, who was still a little shaken up (understandably). We both knew the first step was to tear out all the wet, nasty materials before mold turned Jerry's basement into its permanent home.

Here's an interesting fact: Mold can start to grow within just 24 to 48 hours after water damage. That's right - it's like that one unwanted guest who shows up early and refuses to leave.

Carpet and Padding Removal

So, the first order of business? Out with the wet carpet and padding. I mean, this stuff was beyond saving - it was like a sponge for all things gross. Alex went to work, carefully pulling up the carpet and padding, cutting it into manageable pieces, and tossing them in bags for disposal. Jerry seemed pretty impressed with how fast it was moving. It's amazing how quickly you can feel better just seeing the mess get cleaned up, right?

Fogging with Antimicrobial

Next, we fogged the entire basement with an antimicrobial solution. Mold is sneaky - it hides in all the little cracks and crevices, waiting to wreak havoc on your health. The fogging solution gets in there and wipes it all out. Think of it as the mold version of a "bug bomb." This step was key to ensuring no spores were left behind to party in the corners.

Drywall and Baseboard Removal

Unfortunately, the water hadn't just stayed on the floors. Nope. It had crept up into the drywall and baseboards, too. That's where the mold had started to get cozy. But Alex wasn't about to let that happen. He used what's called selective cutting, meaning he only removed the damaged sections. No need to rip out the whole wall when only part of it is infected, right? Even parts of the ceiling drywall had to go, especially around those air ducts. Mold likes to find the sneakiest spots to settle down.

Fun fact: Around 70% of homes in the U.S. have some level of mold, whether you can see it or not. Let that sink in next time you're eyeing that funky patch in the corner of your basement!

Setting Up Containment and Air Scrubbing

To keep the mold from spreading all over the place, we set up two containment zones. These zones act like barriers, trapping the mold so it can't sneak off and infest the rest of the house. And to make sure the air was safe, we put two HEPA air scrubbers in the basement. These bad boys suck up mold spores faster than you can say "air purifier." They run at 500 cubic feet per minute, meaning they're not messing around. We left them in the basement for three days just to be extra safe.


Now, here's something a lot of people don't realize. Even when you think all the water's gone, there's usually some moisture lurking around. That's where the dehumidifiers come in. We set up two LGR dehumidifiers for three days to make sure everything was bone dry. Moisture's like a personal invite for mold, and we weren't about to let it RSVP. Jerry seemed pretty relieved, knowing we were taking extra steps to keep that pesky mold from coming back.

Another fun tidbit: The CDC warns that exposure to mold can cause health issues, even in healthy people. It's not just a "nuisance" - it's a real threat.

HVAC Cleaning

With all the work on the basement, we couldn't forget about the HVAC system. Air ducts are like highways for mold spores. If you don't clean them, you're just spreading those spores all over the place. So, we gave the HVAC system a deep clean. We used negative pressure to make sure no spores escaped during the process. Then, we fogged the whole system with an antimicrobial treatment, making sure no mold had any chance of hitching a ride through the air vents.

The Finish Line

After three days of scrubbing, drying, and testing, we did a final inspection. Everything was clean, dry, and mold-free. All the infected materials were bagged and disposed of properly. The air was fresh, and no signs of mold were left behind. Jerry, who had stayed in touch with us through the process, couldn't have been happier. His property at Pratt Place in Silver Spring, MD 20910, was back to its pre-flood state. No more soggy carpets, no more moldy drywall. Just a clean, dry basement ready to go.

Why Flood Damage Pro?

Water damage can be a real nightmare. And mold? Well, it's like the house-guest that just won't leave. At Flood Damage Pro, we specialize in water damage restoration in Silver Spring, mold remediation, and air quality improvement. We make sure your property is not just restored but also safe for the long haul. Because honestly, who wants to deal with mold again?

Here's the deal: mold testing is no joke. The EPA says mold can start growing fast, and it can mess with your health if left unchecked. So, if you find yourself knee-deep in water - or worse, dealing with the aftermath - give us a call. Whether you're in Silver Spring, MD, or the surrounding area, we're ready to jump in and help. Let's get your home back in shape - no more mold, no more stress - 240-650-4001!

Water Damage Restoration in Silver Spring, MD 20910
Alex C. - Crew Chief
Alex C.
Crew Chief in the DMV
Mold Remediation Specialist
LICENSE NO. 219837
MHIC - 141335
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